29 décembre 2014

L'affaire Dupont par Éric Veillette


Éric Veillette consacre son blogue à l'étude approfondie d'affaires judiciaires. Dans son ouvrage L'affaire Dupont, Éric Veillette fait une étude exhaustive d'une affaire, qui a suscité et qui suscitera encore longtemps la controverse, en se fondant uniquement sur les preuves qui ont été soumises au jury selon les règles de la preuve. Ce faisant, il donne à son ouvrage une valeur incontestable. Je vous invite à lire ce livre et à visiter son blogue en cliquant sur le lien suivant:

24 septembre 2014

Réponse du premier ministre Harper à la demande de gracier Wilbert Coffin - Prime Minister Harper's answer to request to grand a pardon to Wilbert Coffin

Réponse du premier ministre Harper à la demande de gracier Wilbert Coffin
Prime Minister Harper's answer to request to grant a pardon to Wilbert Coffin

3 septembre 2014

Clément Fortin demande au premier ministre Harper de gracier Wilbert Coffin Clément Fortin requests the Prime Minister Harper to grant pardon to Wilbert Coffin

Lettre adressée en anglais et en français au premier ministre Harper lui demandant de gracier Wilbert Coffin (Cliquez sur le titre pour lire cette lettre.)

Clément Fortin's reply to Mr. Scullion letter of May 15, 2014 regardin his request for Coffin's pardon

Clément Fortin's reply to Mr. Scullion's letter of May 15, 2014
Saint-Sauveur, May 22nd, 2014


Mr. Kerry Scullion, Director/General Counsel

Criminal Conviction Review Group

284 Wellington Street

Ottawa, Ontario

K1A 0H8

                   Re. Wilbert Coffin – Request for pardon

Dear Mr. Scullion

Many thanks for your reply dated May 15, 2014.

In my request for Coffin’s pardon, I mentioned post-traumatic stress and abuse of alcohol as examples of the changes that have taken place in the means of defense that accused may invoke since Coffin's trial was held. But if the impossible were to happen and Coffin's trial were held today, such facts would certainly be introduced as evidence

Having addressed my request to the Minister of Justice and the Minister of Public Safety, I was expecting an answer from them telling me that they launched the process whereby pardon may be granted posthumously to Wilbert Coffin for his criminal conviction of the murder of Richard Lindsey.

Under the Royal Prerogative of Mercy, the Queen has granted a posthumous pardon to Alan Turing convicted of gross indecency. In the maze of Canadian laws and regulations you could surely find a way to achieve the same result in favor of Wilbert Coffin. I hoped that you would help me in seeking Coffin's pardon, and that you should find a way to convince your superiors of the necessity and humane generosity of such a deed.

I do not think that the Coffin family cares about what Ministers are empowered to grant pardon to their beloved one. Let me



remind you that many politicians, including the current Minister of Public Safety, pledged support to the Coffin family. Marie Coffin, Wilbert's sister, believed their promises and went around the Gaspé Peninsula selling calendars in the hope that the money she collected would help her brother's case.

Furthermore, it seems preposterous that Crown Ministers would have to wait for a submission from The Association in Defence of the Wrongly Convicted (AIDWYC) to exercise their powers when they know it will never come.

If the Minister of Justice and the Minister of Public Safety tell me that they do not receive my request, I will ask the Prime Minister. In the negative, as a last resort, I will implore the representative of the Queen in Canada.

This affair has been dragging on for more than seven years and thanks to your help it may now come to fruition.

I am sending a copy of your letter and of this letter to the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada and the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness asking them again to reply to my request.

Yours truly,

Clément Fortin, retired lawyer

40 de la Marquise Street

Saint-Sauveur (Québec) J0R 1R4





16 mai 2014

Letters Sent to Clément Fortin by Mr. Kerry Scullion Regarding his Request to the Minister of Justice to Grant Pardon to Wilbert Coffin

 Lettres que j'ai reçues de Me Kerry Scullion au sujet de la demande que j'ai faite au ministre de la Justice d'accorder le pardon à Wilbert Coffin

Marie Coffin, la soeur de Wilbert en compagnie du député Raynald Blais
La sœur et le fils de Wilbert Coffin, Marie et James, se sont unis pour réhabiliter la mémoire de leur proche. La famille Coffin vend des calendriers et fait signer une pétition à Gaspé. L’argent recueilli est remis à l’Association in Defense of Wrongfullly Convicted (AIDWIC). La famille Coffin a demandé l’aide de cet organisme basé à Toronto. L’avocate Élizabeth Widner, de l’AIDWIC, explique que son association a un défi de taille: prouver que des erreurs graves ont été commises dans le déroulement du procès. L’association a déjà trouvé de nouveaux témoins à Gaspé.
Archives Enjeu Le mystère Coffin
Cliquez sur ce lien pour revoir cette émission:

Clément Fortin's Letter to the Hon. Peter MacKay Regarding his Request for Coffin's Pardon

Lettre à l'honorable Peter MacKay, ministre de la Justice et procureur général du Canada au sujet de la demande qu'il lui a faite de gracier Wilbert Coffin
Saint-Sauveur, May 2nd, 2014




Honourable  Peter Gordon MacKay
Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada
284, Wellington Street
Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0H8

Re. Request to the Honourable Peter Gordon MacKay, Minister of Justice of Canada and the Honourable Steven Blaney, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness asking that a pardon be granted to Wilbert Coffin

Dear Sir:

In reply to my request to you for the pardon of Wilbert Coffin, Mr. Scullion of your Department sent me a letter. It seems that my request has not been understood. Given the thorough study that I have made of the Coffin affair, I never came to the conclusion that Wilbert Coffin was a victim of miscarriage of justice. You will find enclosed the letter I received from Mr. Scullion and my response. To avoid further misunderstanding, I also include a copy of my request to you for the pardon of Wilbert Coffin.

Lately, the Queen granted pardon to Alan Turing. You possess, Sir, that same power.

Hoping that you will close this file once and for all and relieve the Coffin family by granting pardon to Wilbert Coffin, I am, Sir,

Yours truly,

Clément Fortin, retired lawyer

40, de la Marquise Street,

Saint-Sauveur, Québec

Enclosed (3)

Clément Fortin's Response to Kerry Scullion, Director/General Counsel Criminal Conviction Review Group regarding Coffin's Pardon

Ma réponse à Me Kerry Scullion directeur du Groupe de révision des condamnations criminelles

 My response to Mr. Kerry Scullion, Director/General Counsel
Criminal Conviction Review Group


Saint-Sauveur,  May 2nd 2014


Mr. Kerry Scullion,

Director/General Counsel

Criminal Conviction Review Group

284 Wellington Street

Ottawa, Ontario

K1A 0H8



Mr. Scullion,

I just returned home after a month of absence. It explains this late response to your letter dated April 10, 2014.


Pardon is requested because a crime was committed. If I had come to the conclusion that Wilbert Coffin was innocent, I would have requested that his name be cleared. For example, pardon was granted by the Queen to Alan Turing. He was never declared innocent but he was granted pardon.

You say that matters as miscarriage of justice « must be carefully reviewed in accordance with what the law requires. » You say that this has been done. But what has been done? You have been requested by the Canadian Parliament to review this matter seven years ago. You should by now be able to let us know your conclusions.

You mention that you are « currently awaiting submissions from counsel with the Association in Defence of the Wrongfully Convicted (AIDWYC) on behalf of the Coffin family. My understanding is that AIDWYC has no more interest in this affair. It would appear consequent after waiting for their submissions for seven years




I do not recall having received any of those letters you mention having been addressed to me on April 30, 2009, October 23, 2009, August 18, 2010, December 9, 2010, and February 15, 2012. I would appreciate receiving a copy of those letters.

Please read again my Request and you will understand that  as a result of my research on this affair I concluded that Coffin was guilty and that it was not a miscarriage of justice. So please correct your file accordingly.

Before submitting my request to the Ministers of Justice and Public Safety, I inquired about the procedure I should follow in this regard. At the Department of Justice of Canada, I was told to send my request to the Ministers of Justice and Public Safety.

Since you have not forwarded a copy of the letter you sent me to those Ministers, I will do so along with this letter and a copy of my request. To make sure there is no misunderstanding of my request let me quote the relevant paragraph : « The conclusions I arrived at in a study that I have made of Wilbert Coffin’s trial before the Court of Queen’s Bench, in Percé, in 1954, along with those of the Brossard Commission of Inquiry on the Coffin Affair, in 1964, do not, in my view, permit to clear Coffin’s name. However, to accomplish, even partially, the promises that many members of parliament have made to the Coffin family, a pardon granted to Wilbert Coffin would close this very sad affair.”


I am awaiting a favorable answer from the Ministers of Justice and Public Safety. At last, this will certainly relieve the Coffin family.


Yours truly,


Clément Fortin, writer and retired lawyer

40, de la Marquise Street

Saint-Sauveur (Québec) J0R 1R4

450 227 5044

C.C. Ministers of Justice and Public Affaire.


My Request for Pardon

Response from the Department of Justice to the Request for Coffin's Pardon

Voici la réponse que j'ai reçue de Me Kerry Scullion au nom du ministère de la Justice du Canada à ma demande d'accorder le pardon à Wilbert Coffin

Response from the Department of Justice of Canada to my request for Coffin's pardon

20 mars 2014

UNE HISTOIRE À SUIVRE Bulletin de la Société d'histoire de la Rivière-du-Nord invitation à une activité littéraire le 3 juin 2014

Le bulletin semestriel de la Société d'histoire de la Rivièrep-du-Nord, mars 2014


Un avocat demande de gracier Wilbert Coffin Le Soleil 5 mars 2014 Gilles Gagnée

Voici un article de Gilles Gagné paru dans Le Soleil du 5 mars 2014:

6 mars 2014

L'Affaire Coffin refait surface par Thierry Haroun

L'Affaire Coffin refait surface
Par: Thierry Haroun le mercredi, 05 mars 2014
Lisez la nouvelle en cliquant sur le lien suivant:

5 mars 2014

Wilbert Coffin Sa grâce mettrait fin à cette très triste affaire La Voix de la Matanie

Wilbert Coffin

Sa grâce mettrait fin à cette très triste affaire

Meurtres en Gaspésie en 1953: un avocat demande de «gracier» Wilbert Coffin

Publié le 05 mars 2014 à 05h00 | Mis à jour à 05h00

Meurtres en Gaspésie en 1953: un avocat demande de «gracier» Wilbert Coffin

Gilles Gagné
Collaboration spéciale
Le Soleil


4 mars 2014

Request to Peter MacKay and Steven Blaney asking them to pardon Wilbert Coffin

Request to Peter MacKay and Steven Blaney asking them to pardon Wilbert Coffin 

Saint-Sauveur, March 4, 2014


Request addressed to the honourable Peter Gordon MacKay, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada and the Honourable Steven Blaney, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness asking them to pardon Wilbert Coffin

The conclusions[i] I arrived at in a study that I have made of Wilbert Coffin’s trial before the Court of Queen’s Bench, in Percé, in 1954, along with those of the Brossard[ii] Commission of Inquiry on the Coffin Affair, in 1964, do not, in my view, permit to clear Coffin’s name. However, to accomplish, even partially, the promises that many members of parliament have made to the Coffin family, a pardon granted to Wilbert Coffin would close this very sad affair.

The following motion was adopted by the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, requesting the Criminal Conviction Review Group to examine the Coffin affair. This motion was adopted by Parliament on February 6, 2007. 

Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), and a motion adopted by the Committee on Wednesday, November 1, 2006, your Committee recommends:

Whereas 2006 marks the 50th  anniversary of the execution of Wilbert Coffin.

Whereas several observers, including former journalist and Senator Jacques Hébert, have shed light on irregularities surrounding the accusation, conviction and execution of Wilbert Coffin.

Whereas Wilbert Coffin’s sister, Mary Coffin, and his son Jimmy Coffin are seeking an official judicial review under Part XXI.I of the Criminal Code.

That the government act with diligence and speed in the matter of the late Wilbert Coffin.

To date, the Criminal Conviction Review Group, then under the responsibility of Mr. Kerry Scullion, lawyer, has not filed its report. This file has more than twenty thousand pages. It does not appear realistic to rely on a committee to make a thorough study of this affair. The knowledge of French and English is necessary. I tried to be of some help in translating the six hundred ninety three page Brossard report which I posted on my blog.

 Ms Elizabeth Widner, the lawyer who then represented The Association of the Wrongly Convicted and its subsidiary in Montreal has not pursued her action. Le Comité des erreurs judiciaires (The Committee of Miscarriage of Justice), which was its subsidiary at the Université de Montréal, ceased its research. (This Committee has become  « Le regroupement Projet Innocence Montréal – Université de Montréal).

Projet Innocence Québec, Université du Québec à Montréal, then under the responsibility of Ms Lida Sara Nouraie, lawyer, took charge of this file, but has not yet filed a report.

Several members of parliament, conservative, liberal, NDP and bloquiste, have pledged their support to the Coffin family. I refer you to my blog where I have compiled what they have said about the Coffin case. Those members are Steven Blaney[iii], Joe Comartin, Marlene Jennings, Raynald Blais, Rénald Ménard, Michael Ignatieff[iv] Dominique Leblanc[v] and JustinTrudeau[vi].

I believe that the Government of Canada may legitimately grant pardon to Wilbert Coffin on the basis of the following facts: Before the killing of the American bear hunters, according to the testimony of McCallum, in the Court of Queen's Bench, Coffin had bought half a dozen bottles of beer. He drank one in the presence of McCallum[vii]. He asked that the others be placed in a bag so that he could bring them with him.  Although Justice Lacroix, in his address, said that he was not convinced that the evidence revealed that the accused had abused of alcohol in the last hours he was seen with the young Lindsay, he suggested to the jury the possibility of a verdict of manslaughter[viii]. Nothing tells us, however, in which state Coffin was when he bought the beer bottles and how much he drank before committing his crime. In this regard, Marion Petrie, the mistress of Wilbert Coffin said in her statement on August 6, 1953: " Wilbert was almost always drunk when he was at home ..." It would be reasonable to believe that if the jury had been informed that the accused so indulged in alcohol,  they would have returned a verdict of manslaughter.

Today, in such circumstances, the defense would likely invoke the following reasons: Coffin participated in the Italian Campaign. His behavior may be due to a post-traumatic stress caused by the war. Upon his return, there is evidence that he drank a lot. In a report from sergeant Doyon of the Sûreté du Québec, we read:  “I recently learned from Donald Coffin, brother of Wilbert, and this, quite recently, that Wilbert had been drinking for about a month and a half before the arrival of the three American hunters. And while he was in that state, Donald added that Wilbert was a very wild guy, to the extent that his brother had to keep watch over him; because, as Donald said, Wilbert then could do anything, and that, since his return from overseas, where he had been at the front for five years.” Before the Brossard Commission, Donald Coffin believed rather that his brother drank all through one week.

It is known that alcoholism often leads to denial. Until his hanging, Coffin proclaimed his innocence. Personally, during my research to write my docu-novel, it often crossed my mind that Coffin was a "victim" of the war.

By pardoning Coffin, the Canadian Parliament will accomplish the promises made to the Coffin family by many of its members and put an end to what is still known as the greatest miscarriage of justice in Canada.


Clément Fortin, retired lawyer,

40, de la Marquise Street,

Saint- Sauveur ( Quebec ) J0R 1R4

450 227 5044

[i] Clément Fortin L’affaire Coffin: une supercherie? Wilson & Lafleur, Montréal, 1907. Since my book was not translated, English-speaking Canada is still under the influence of the late Senator Jacques Hébert’s book I Accuse the Assassins of Coffin published in 1964. Sadly, my publisher did not qualify for a grant from the Canada Council for the Arts for the translation of my book.
[ii] Rapport de la Commission d’enquête Brossard sur l’affaire Coffin, Province de Québec, 27 novembre 1964 (Report of the Brossard Commission of Enquiry on the Coffin Affair) Unfortunately, this report is not available  in English. I refer you to my blog for my translation.
Read on my blog the transcripts of the remarks those members of Parliament made before the Standing Committee on Justice and Human rights, that looked into the fate of the Coffin Affair, on the 50th anniversary of his execution.
[vii] Clément Fortin, ibid.,  p. 208
[viii] Clément Fortin, ibid., p. 362 ... and I add, with the strong reserves that I have made, that if you are under the impression, after having heard the testimony of McCallun, not that Coffin bought beer, but that he drank one bottle, provided of course that you believe beyond a reasonable doubt that it was he who committed the crime, and that he drank beer purchased from McCallum before doing so, in this case only, based on proof, you might consider a verdict of manslaughter.

Requête à Peter MacKay et Steven Blaney leur demandant de gracier Wilbert Coffin

Requête à Peter MacKay et Steven Blaney leur demandant de gracier Wilbert Coffin

Saint-Sauveur, 4 mars 2014


Requête adressée à l’honorable Peter Gordon MacKay, ministre de la Justice et Procureur général du Canada et l’honorable Steven Blaney, ministre de la Sécurité publique leur demandant de gracier Wilbert Coffin

Les conclusions d’une étude[i]  que j’ai faite du procès de Wilbert Coffin devant la Cour du banc de la reine, à Percé, en 1954, et les conclusions de la Commission Brossard[ii], tenue en 1964, ne permettent pas, selon moi, d’innocenter Coffin. Cependant, pour accomplir ne serait-ce que partiellement les promesses que plusieurs députés fédéraux ont faites à la famille Coffin, la grâce accordée à Wilbert Coffin mettrait fin à cette très triste affaire.

Voici les motifs qui m’incitent à formuler cette demande : une motion a été présentée au Comité permanent de la justice et des droits de la personne demandant au Groupe de révisions des condamnations criminelles d’analyser l’affaire Coffin. Cette motion a été adoptée par le parlement, le 6 février 2007 :

Conformément à l’article 108(2) du Règlement et la motion adoptée par le Comité le mercredi 1er novembre 2006, votre Comité recommande :

Attendu que 2006 marque le 50e anniversaire de l’exécution de Wilbert Coffin.

Attendu que plusieurs observateurs, dont l’ex-journaliste et sénateur Jacques Hébert, ont mis à jour les irrégularités qui ont entouré la mise en accusation, la condamnation et l’exécution de Wilbert Coffin.

Attendu que la sœur de Wilbert Coffin, Mary Coffin, et le fils de Coffin, Jimmy Coffin, souhaitent que le processus formel de révision judiciaire soit engagé en vertu de la partie XXI.I du Code criminel.

Que le gouvernement agisse avec diligence et célérité dans le dossier de feu Wilbert Coffin.

À ce jour, le Groupe de révisions des condamnations criminelles, alors sous la responsabilité de Me  Kerry Scullion, avocat, n’a pas produit de rapport. Ce dossier comprend plus de vingt mille pages. Il ne m’apparaît pas réaliste de compter sur un comité pour en faire une étude approfondie. Sa lecture demande de maîtriser le français et l’anglais. Pour aider la cause, j’ai traduit en anglais le rapport de quelque six cent pages de la Commission Brossard que je rends accessible sur mon blogue.

Me Élizabeth Widner[iii], l’avocate qui représentait, alors,  The Association in Defence of the Wrongly Convicted, n’a pas poursuivi ses démarches. Le Comité des erreurs judiciaires, qui était, à l’époque, sa filiale à l’Université de Montréal, a abandonné ses recherches. (Ce comité est devenu le Regroupement Projet Innocence Montréal – Université de Montréal).

Projet Innocence Québec, Université du Québec à Montréal, à l’époque, sous la responsabilité de Me Lida Sara Nouraie, avocate, avait pris en charge le dossier, mais n’a pas produit de rapport.

Plusieurs députés fédéraux conservateurs, libéraux, néo-démocrates et bloquistes ont promis leur appui à la famille Coffin. Je vous réfère à mon blogue, sur lequel j’ai compilé les propos qu’ils ont tenus au sujet de l’affaire Coffin. Ces députés sont Steven Blaney , Joe Comartin[iv], Marlene Jennings, Raynald Blais, Rénald Ménard , Michael Ignatieff[v] Dominique Leblanc et Justin Trudeau[vi].

Je suis d’avis que le gouvernement du Canada peut légitimement accorder cette grâce à Wilbert Coffin, sur le fondement des faits suivants : avant la commission du crime, selon le témoignage de McCallum devant la Cour du banc de la reine, Coffin avait acheté une demi-douzaine de bouteilles de bière. Il en a bu une en présence de McCallum[vii]. Il a demandé à ce que les autres soient mises dans un sac, pour qu’il les apporte.  Quoique le juge Lacroix, dans son exposé au jury, ait dit ne pas être « convaincu que la preuve révèle un usage abusif d’alcool chez l’accusé dans les dernières heures où on le voit avec le jeune Lindsay», il lui a suggéré la possibilité d’un verdict de manslaughter[viii] . Rien ne nous dit cependant dans quel état Coffin était au moment où il a acheté ces bouteilles de bière, et combien il en a bu avant de commettre son forfait. À ce propos, Marion Petrie, la maîtresse de Wilbert Coffin, déclare, dans sa déposition du 6 août 1953: « Wilbert était presque toujours ivre lorsqu’il était à la maison… » Il serait raisonnable de croire que si les jurés avaient été mis au courant des abus de boisson que Coffin commettait, ils auraient rendu un verdict de  manslaughter.

 Aujourd’hui, dans pareilles circonstances, la défense invoquerait vraisemblablement les motifs suivants : Coffin a fait la campagne d’Italie. Il souffrait peut-être d’un stress post-traumatique causé par la guerre. À son retour, il est prouvé qu’il buvait beaucoup. Dans un rapport du sergent Doyon de la Sûreté du Québec, on lit ceci : « J’ai appris dernièrement de Donald Coffin, le frère de Wilbert, et ceci, tout récemment, que Wilbert avait bu pendant environ un mois et demi avant l’arrivée des trois chasseurs américains. Et quand il était dans cet état, Donald a ajouté que Wilbert était « a very wild guy » (un homme très violent),  et il devait le surveiller parce que, m’a dit Donald, Wilbert pouvait faire n’importe quoi, et cela, depuis son retour d’Europe, où il a été au front pendant cinq ans. » Devant la Commission Brossard, Donald Coffin a plutôt dit croire que son frère avait bu toute une semaine.

Il est connu que l’alcoolisme mène souvent au déni de la réalité. Jusqu’à sa  pendaison, Coffin a proclamé son innocence. Personnellement, au cours de mes recherches pour écrire mon docu-roman, il me venait souvent à l’esprit que Coffin était une « victime » de la guerre.

En graciant Coffin, le Parlement canadien accomplira les promesses faites par plusieurs de ses députés à la famille Coffin et mettra fin à ce qui a toujours été perçu comme la plus grande erreur judiciaire au Canada.

Me Clément Fortin, avocat à la retraite

40, rue de la Marquise

Saint-Sauveur (Québec) J0R 1R4   Tél. 450 227 5044



[i] Clément Fortin L’affaire Coffin: une supercherie?, Wilson & Lafleur, Montréal, 2007
[ii] Rapport de la Commission d’enquête Brossard sur l’affaire Coffin, Province Québec, 27 novembre 1964
Lisez sur mon blogue, les transcriptions des propos que les députés ont tenus au  Comité permanent sur la justice et les droits et libertés de la personne, qui s’est penché sur le sort de Wilbert Coffin, à l’occasion du 50e  anniversaire de son exécution.
[vii] Clément Fortin, ibid.,  p. 208
[viii] Clément Fortin, ibid., p. 362 … et j’ajoute, avec les fortes réserves que j’ai faites, que si vous avez l’impression, d’après le témoignage de McCallum, non pas que Coffin a acheté de la bière, mais qu’il en a  bu, à la condition évidemment que vous croyiez hors de tout doute raisonnable que c’est lui qui a commis l’acte, et qu’il avait bu de la bière achetée de McCallum avant de le faire, dans ce cas-là uniquement, vous basant sur la preuve, vous pourriez considérer un verdict de manslaughter. »