FACEBOOK consacre toute une page à la défense de Wilbert Coffin
FACEBOOK helps clear Wilbert Coffin’s name
Un commentateur a laissé sur mon blogue le message suivant : « Me Fortin, il y a une page Facebook de personnes qui disent Coffin innocent. Je ne sais pas sur quoi ils se basent. (…)
Ceci est l'adresse de la page:
J’ai visité cette page. J’ai constaté que de nombreux parents et amis se sont réunis sur FACEBOOK pour demander qu'on rende justice à Wilbert Coffin. L’objectif poursuivi par ces gens est clair : blanchir le nom de Wilbert Coffin. Cependant, à la lecture des commentaires que ces gens formulent, je ne trouve aucun argument susceptible de convaincre le Ministère fédéral de la justice de réexaminer ce dossier.
I visited that page. I realized that many relatives and friends united on FACEBOOK to request that justice be rendered to Wilbert Coffin. Their end is clear: clearing Wilbert Coffin’s name. However, while reading those comments, I did not find any argument likely to convince the Federal Department of Justice to re-examine the case.
Les arguments invoqués sont émotifs. À titre d’exemple, j’en cite quelques-uns :
"The arguments put forward are purely emotional. For example, Iet me quote a few of them:
A group for people who want to help to clear Wilbert Coffin's name. The Coffin family has been working for more than 50 years to have his name cleared. Help us correct this terrible miscarriage of Justice and black spot in Canada's history.
Lynne Dugas I have been to Gaspe read both books on wilbert coffin, also my friend mr. patterson knew wilbert well they were friends, and he told me wilbert was the kindest man you could meet, would do anything for you, and would not hurt anyone, its a sad story and that this should have been resolved years ago. Its about time Wil...bert Coffin had his name cleared in history he was not guilty his wrongful conviction should be overturned, hopefully very soon canada needs to clear up the horrible injustice that transpired so many years ago .
Good luck with this effort. Wilbert is innocent!!
Karen Le Lacheur my Father is from Gaspe, and he and his family have always believed Mr. Coffin was inocent, it was all political.
Karen Le Lacheur
Rick Willett 54th anniversary of the needless death of an innocent man. The Coffin family will not rest until this injustice is over turned. Rest in peace and know that your not forgotton.
Loriann Harwood Mercer I'm not sure if anyone is aware, however Jacques Hebert (Senator) passed away recently.
He wrote, The Coffin Affair, I Accuse the Assassins of Coffin, and it was due to his book I Accuse, that caused the Government to have an inquiry (Brossard Inquiry) into the inequities of the proceedings.
Myriam Gaul myriam gaul i'm always thinking wilbert is not guilty!!!
Stéphane Bernier in a cold lonely prison on a cold winters night this convicted prospector whos mother did right say mother im livin my time it aint long but remember dear mother i never did wrong the judge find me guilty and say i must pay for those three american hunter killed Down gaspe way .........a nice song for this innocent per...son who i m sure wasnt guilty at all ......REST IN PEACE SIR COFFIN the truth is going to run over the ocean a day and show how much the government and police and all sharks of our society was corrupted even before i was born and still...............
Wendy Simpson My Grandmother and Grandfather both believed That Wilbert Coffin was inocent. I may not live in Gaspe but all my family from my mother to my ancestors were from there. I still to this day have family in Gaspe and everyone I know believes he is inocent. Good luck I hope you can clear his name soon. May God be with you in this.
Joanne Whalen My father Jos Whalen always said that M. Coffin was innocent. My family and I live in Gaspé and we are with you all the way. Good luck!! God help you all.
Marcel Vézina Mon grand-père ( Clovis Vezina ) le connaissait tres bien... il etait avec lui la journée du meurtre... il etait innocent....
Rhonda Stewart The family of Wilbert Coffin would like to thank everyone who has supported the fight to clear Wilbert's name. It is an imprtant cause not only to our family, but all Gaspesians, and all Canadians. “
1) Selon moi, ces personnes devraient faire des pressions sur AIDWYC et le ministère fédéral de la Justice.
2) Elles devraient aussi écrire à Me Élizabeth Widner à l’adresse que je donne sur mon blogue.
3) Elles devraient insister pour que Jimmy Coffin fasse la marche promise, de Vancouver à Ottawa.
4) Qu’elles demandent à GASPA de diffuser au plus tôt son documentaire sur l’affaire Coffin.
5) Elles devraient aussi rappeler à Michael Ignatieff, Raymond Blais, Justin Trudeau et autres qu’il est grand temps d’accomplir les promesses qu’ils ont faites à la famille Coffin.
6) Qu'elles exigent qu'on donne suite à la motion adoptée par le Parlement canadien le 6 février 2007 demandant au Comité de révision des condamnations criminelles d'analyser l'affaire Coffin.
Et qu’on en finisse une fois pour toutes avec l’affaire Coffin en redonnant la paix à la famille Coffin.
1) These people should exert pressure on AIDWYC, The Asociation in Defence of the Wrongfully Convicted, and the Federal Department of Justice.
2) They should also write Ms. Elizabeth Widner. I give her address on my blog.
3) They should insist upon Jimmy Coffin to walk from Vancouver to Ottawa.
4) They should press GASPA to broadcast its documentary on the Coffin affair as soon as possible.
5) They should remind Michael Ignatieff, Raymond Blais, Justin Trudeau, etc., to keep their promises to the Coffin family.
6) They should demand that the motion adopted by the Canadian Parliament on the 6th of February 2007 requesting the Committee for the Revision of the Wrongfully Convicted to examine the Coffin affair be carried out without further delay.
Let’s put an end to the Coffin affair and let the Coffin family recover peace.