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Clément Fortin est avocat à la retraite. Il a exercé en cabinet privé, a été professeur à l'Université de Sherbrooke et a dirigé l'École du barreau et la Formation permanente des avocats. Auteur de plusieurs articles et ouvrages sur le droit civil, commercial et fiscal, il a aussi publié en 1997 un premier roman historique Les amours du Pied-de-la-Côte qu'il a réédité en 2001. En 2005, il a publié un docu-roman sur l'affaire Poisson intitulé On s'amuse à mort, aux Éditions du Septentrion.
81 commentaires:
Maître Fortin,
J'arrive de chez Lew Stoddard. Je constate que de plus en plus d'internautes francophones désertent votre blogue pour le sien. Son dernier billet est une véritable cascade de Savard, Mersereau, Gautier, Michaud, Landry, Marcotte, etc. S'agirait-il d'un coup monté ? Surtout que ces internautes francophones s'expriment dans un anglais irréprochable dont le style s'apparente à celui de Lew.
Mr. Fortin,
I just had a peep at Lew Stoddard's blog. I find that more and more French-speaking surfers abandon your blog and go over to his. His last post is a real succession of Savard, Mersereau, Gautier, Michaud, Landry, Marcotte, etc. Would this be a frame-up? More particularly, these francophones express themselves in a flawless English resembling that of Lew.
Phil Lafrance, Montréal
Encore moi, maître Fortin. Le philosophe Robert Redecker a bien expliqué pourquoi les théories du complot sont si populaires auprès des "losers" : "L'adepte de ces théories s'épanouit dans le sentiment de détenir un secret d'une extrême importance. Il jouit d'en savoir plus que les experts. Il se découvre plus malin que le conspirateur qui trompe tout le monde depuis longtemps..."
It's me again, Mr. Fortin. The philosopher Robert Redecker explained well why plot theories are so popular with losers: "The follower of these theories come out, lit up at the feeling of holding a secret of an extreme importance. He enjoys the feeling of knowing more about it than experts. He finds himself smarter than the conspirator who has been fooling everyone for a long time..."
P. Lafrance
Phil Lafrance,
Vous avez raison! Stoddard essaie de donner l'impression que beaucoup de francophones croient en ses sornettes.
Don Milot, Montréal
Maître Fortin,
L'an dernier, un ami à moi qui se passionne pour l'affaire Coffin a remarqué que plus de vingt pour cent des commentaires que recevait Lew Stoddard avaient pour caractéristique l'initiale du prénom sans point, et qu'un tel phénomène ne pouvait, d'un simple point de vue statistique, être le fruit du hasard. Il a écrit à ce drôle de Lew, pour l'avertir de sa malhonnêteté intellectuelle, mais n'a pas reçu de réponse.
Mr. Fortin,
Last year, a friend of mine who is fascinated by the Coffin affair noticed that more than twenty percent of comments received by Lew Stoddard had a common feature, the initial of the first name was without a period, and that such a phenomenon could not, from a mere statistical point of view, be a matter of chance. He wrote that peculiar Lew, to bring to his attention his intellectual dishonesty, but did not receive an answer.
Phil Lafrance, Montréal
Phil Lafrance is right. But has he checked the number of French names Lew Stoddard uses to post his comments?
Bill Amyot
Moi, Me. Fortin, ça fait longtemps que je m'aperçois que Stoddard s'écrit lui-même. Les commentaires qu'il "reçoit" sont rarement pertinents à la cause. Ce sont plutôt des félécitations sur ses milliers d'heures consacrées à la cause, sur son flair de détective, sur ses talents d'avocat ou d'écrivain...
Oui, il est temps qu'on démasque l'imposteur Stoddard.
Ch. Patry
Mr. Fortin,
Obviously Mr. Stoddard is correct when he says that very little is known about the Coffin case on your website, Mr. Fortin.
I am certain that if you did know much about it, you would spend more time writing about it. You appear to spend an enormous amount of time worrying about what Lew is doing. By the looks of things and by comparison, Lew Stoddard is doing quite fine with his investigation of the Coffin affair. You really appear to feel threatened by the success of his site.
I will send this same message off to his site as I am doubtful that you will publish it.
By the way, please note my name really is "Jeanette Mersereau" and this is the first time that I have ever written to your site.
And by the way, to your commenter Phil Lafrance, if he really exists, I am a francophone who can express myself in flawless English as you put it. Are you suggesting that the francophone commenters on the Coffin case are limited to those who only speak a broken grade of French.
Jeanette Mersereau
Saint John
Hi Jeanette, so good to hear from you.
L Stodak
Vous publiez même les commentaires qui vous sont désagréables. Vous manisfestez une grande ouverture d'esprit. Bravo!
Pierre St-Germain
Notre Lew en avait plein sa tuque de se faire dire que les commentaires à son site étaient tous plus puérils les uns que les autres, c'est-à-dire félicitations par-dessus félicitations, louanges, hommages, etc. Il s'est donc mis tout à coup (voyez son dernier billet) à "recevoir" des commentaires sérieux, reliés à la cause, qui posent des questions, qui soulèvent des points, etc. etc. Bref, après une vague de commentaires venant de fancophones, voilà une vague de commentaires du genre questions pertinentes. MV, Vaudreuil
My english is not very good but I use it because i want to be sure that Lew Stoddard will read my message. I am very happy to know that it has been clearly showed and proven that most of his blog comments ARE FROM HIS OWN PEN. This man is a hoaxer.
G. Charlebois
Mr. Fortin,
I have a question that I know that you will have no problem providing an answer to. If you are unable to respond, I will send the same note to "Stoddard Online" in a couple of days pointing out that I have asked you for a reply. I am confident that you should know the answer because I know that it was covered at trial and the Brossard inquiry, and you claim to have advanced knowledge of the process because of your background in law as a practising attorney for many years.
I felt it fair and pertinent to approach the question in this manner as Mr. Stoddard is not a lawyer and would not be expected to know the finer points of the legal system as you obviously would, again with you being the product of a successful private practise and the teaching of law at university level.
My first question is this, "Why was Wilbert Coffin only charged with one murder?" My second question is this, "Upon conviction on the first charge, why was there no follow-up charges on the other two?"
The answers that I expect are those reflective of a legal standpoint based on points of law in 1953 and prior, and not ones that may be construed as being based on opinion.
I think that these two questions are questions that are relevant and have haunted Canadians for decades on this case. This will be an opportunity for Canadians to finally understand the reasoning and have it explained by a fully qualified member of the legal profession.
Jeanette Mersereau
Saint John
Ms. Mersereau,
For sure, if I were not a lawyer, I would never have written about the Coffin affair. The answer to your second question does not obviously require an answer. If you are convicted of murder what would be the need of an “extra trial”? As to your second question, let me recall that on several occasions, I explained on this blog why Coffin was only charged with one murder. For instance, on the 26th of March 2008, I published the following information:
“I just received a stack of criminal law books from my bar library. Here is the criminal law that was applicable when Coffin trial was heard in 1953 and 1954. Since our criminal law draws its origin from England, I quote briefly what happened in that country on this same subject. It has since been amended but I think it will suffice to quote from the ANNOTATED CRIMINAL CODE of a well-known jurist in Montréal the following: (which I have translated for your understanding)
From Irénée Lagarde, Droit pénal canadien, Wilson & Lafleur, Montréal, 1962, page 767
Section 499. (Only one count of indictment in case of murder) No count of indictment imputing an offence other than a murder may be joined in the same bill of indictment to a count of indictment for murder.
In England, it was – until 1957 – a rule of practice that a person accused of two murders should have two separate trials (R. v. Davis, 1926, 26 Cr. App. R. 95) But in 1957, with section 6 (2) of the Homicide Act, 1957, it was stipulated that no rule of practice would prevent to indict, in the same bill of indictment but on separate counts, two or several murders unless the president of the tribunal deems in the interest of justice that the accused should have two separate trials.
I also quote From Irénée Lagarde, Supplément du droit pénal canadien, Wilson & Lafleur, Montréal, 1967, pages 259 and 260 the following : (which I have also translated for your understanding)
R V. HAASE, (1965) 45 C.R. 113, 2 C.C.C. 56, C.A., British Columbia.
I is generally inopportune to join in the same bill of indictment two counts of murder. But the code allows to do so since section 499 only prohibits the junction of a count of murder and a count of an offence other than a murder. It is up to the discretionary power of the court to decide whether to examine the two counts or to ordain that a separate trial be held on each one of them.
Here is another quote from Irénée Lagarde’s Annotated Criminal Code, Droit pénal canadien, Vol. 2, 2e edition, Wilson & Lafleur, Montréal, pages 1342-1343:
518. (Only one count of indictment in case of murder) No count of indictment imputing an offence other than a murder may be joined in the same bill of indictment to a count of indictment for murder.
Origin: sect. 626 (1892); sect. 856, in part (1906, 1927;) sect. 499, Ch. 51 S.C. (1953-54)
In the case of Wilbert Coffin, the Crown chose to indict him for the murder of only one hunter.”
26 mars, 2008 18:36
Me. Fortin, je vous trouve bien patient de répondre à Jeanette... Stoddard.
Martine Leclaire Tremblay
Comment il se fait que mme Mersereau qui se dit francophone vous écrit anglais?
S. Paul-Hus Sorel
Mr. Fortin,
You disappoint me greatly in your response to the two questions that I asked of you.
I am not interested in hearing of changes drafted into the Criminal Code of Canada from 1957 onward. Wilbert Coffin was already in his grave by then.
As well, you state that my second question does not require an answer. I will let you on on a little secret. My second question does require an answer.
You state in your reply that if you had not been a lawyer then you would not have written about the Wilbert Coffin case.
By your own accounts Sir you are a lawyer, and you have written about the Wilbert Coffin affair. I am merely asking you for an answer to two simple questions, questions that you as a lawyer would have no problem providing a response to in language that everyday folk could understand and follow.
Again the questions were, "Why was Wilbert Coffin only charged with one murder?" My second question was, "Upon conviction on the first charge, why was there no follow-up charges on the other two?"
Mr. Fortin, folks who read these web sites are generally everyday folks who in many cases understand everyday language and not a long rambling show piece of journalistic whatever, complete with works cited. Sort of the way that the Perce jury should have been addressed.
I am relying on your site to provide answers to my concerns, because as I have said, you as a lawyer would be in a position to adequately address the situation. Again I look forward to your reply Mr. Fortin.
Jeanette Mersereau
Saint John
Me Fortin,
Ne perdez pas votre temps avec elle. C'est évident qu'elle ne comprend pas même quand vous lui écrivez en anglais. Pour moi, votre réponse est complète.
Pierre Desormeaux
Moi aussi je vous dis ceci Me Fortin, ne perdez pas votre temps avec elle surtout que elle c'est lui, on reconnaît son style et son Sir.
Michel Lussier
Me Fortin,
C'est malheureux mais cette Jeanette Mersereau est complètement bouchée , autant en Anglais qu'en Francais : Peut-être qu'elle comprendrait l'expression ' Get lost '.
Why does everyone jump om Mrs Mersereau for asking some question. I would also like to hear the answers. I think she asks good questions. You did not answer her questions well the first time. you should be pleased that people ask questions.
Lise Landry
Mr. Fortin,
I think you should not pay attention to the twaddles of those bogus commenters.
Peter McCleod
Lise Landry de Québec qui écrit en anglais ? Come on ! Encore un coup manqué de ce pas brillant Stoddard.
Why are we bogus commenters Mr. Fortin? Is is because we seek answers to questions that we have. You are the one who claims to be a lawyer and you said that if you were not a lawyer you would not have written about the Wilbert Coffin case. Mr. Fortin you say you are, so please now answer the questions that we have asked of you.
A. Perot
To Miss Landry from Quebec
Miss Mersereau got specific answers to her specific questions , too bad she doen't have the brains to
read and understand .
There ar doctors to treat this problem.
I wish to correct you. Ms. Mersereau did not get answers to her questions.
It is difficult for me to feature a professional man like yourself, a lawyer, speaking to me personally in the language and terminology that you did in your reply with reference to Ms. Mersereau.
I guess that you can always say that particular comment was posted by someone speaking anonymously, but then again you were the gentleman who would have approved it for posting as you are the blog host. Therefore, it appears that is your mode of thinking as well.
I would like to know the answers to those questions as well. I am not interested in how the rules were changed after. I want to know before the execution which is what Ms. Mersereau is asking.
Ms. Mersereau has made it very clear as to what her questions and concerns are, and she expressed herself in a polite and proper context, not in the rude fashion that was extended through a comment to myself with reference to Ms. Mersereau.
Not only do you owe some answers, but an apology is in order to myself and Ms. Mersereau. You are the one who is always welcoming readers comments and questions, now it is time to carry on with a proper reply.
Lise Landry
Arreter de rire de Lou Stoddard. C'est vrai qu'il sécrit lui-meme mais au moins Il dit la Vérité. La Vérité est qu'il y a eut un complôt contre Wilber Coffin. Vous nous cacher les faits clément Fortin. On nous cache partout et tous le temps les faits. On nous cache que Marilyn Monro a été empoisonnée par John Kennedy et que John Kennedy s'est lui-même tiré une balle dans la noix en plein Dallas. Et que dire d'Elvis, toujours vivant!
Joseph Connaissant, Bathurst
Bravo à Joseph Connaissant!
Ces deux pure-laines de Mersereau et Landry qui vous écrivent en anglais! C'est à mourir de rire. Pauvre Lew Stoddard!
Et dire que c'est plein de cons et de connes de ce genre qui s'extasient devant les archéo-vérités ou les utopiques théories plus ténébreuses les unes que les autres de ce cher Stoddard.
Quand il est rendu à écrire et à questionner lui-même , sous des noms d'emprunts , le maître d'un autre blog , je crois qu'il n'a plus grand chose à dire et qu'il sait ' que son chien est mort '
Longue vie à votre blog Me Fortin , et continuez à retardés anglophones , qui cinquante années après les faits découvrent que l'un des leurs , s'est fait occire de belle facon , dans tous les respects de l'art , eet les ' by the book ' décrets de sa majesté
dans toute sa puissance colonialiste .
Ce blogue est non seulement bien fait, mais il est très drôle grâce à des intervenants comme Lise Landry et Joseph Connaissant
F. H.
Mr. Fortin,
You encourage folks to read your blog, and you encourage them to make comments and ask questions.
You do not set a good example of your good will in this posting. First it was a Ms. Mersereau, and then a Ms. Landry 2who had some questions. You replied with a bunch of decrees that had changed the criminal code. These changes were all instituted after the execution of Wilbert Coffin. These people asked specific questions about the investigation and charges and you did not answer. As a matter of fact you told Ms. Mersereau that there was no need to answer her second question.
Insulting remarks were made on your site to both Ms. Mersereau and Ms. Landry. Is this what you want your site to be known for.
Another person may have written the comments to these ladies but you are the guy who approved the comments for publication.
I would like to hear your answers to these questions as well. I will add one more question. Where did the police and prosecution get the figure of $1,000.00 supposedly stolen from Mr. Lindsey? This is important. I read documentation whereby the police were not able to obtain information that would establish an amount of cash that Mr. Lindsey could have been carrying.
Bernard G. Houghton
Toronto, Canada
Bernard G. Stoddard rides again.
As to the amount of money Eugene Lindsey might have had on him when he was murdered, I refer you to my post of the 15th May 2008.
Me Fortin, Je crois fermement que, comme beaucoup d'autres, Mr Stoddard a été débalancé par votre blog. Il se croyait le grand expert de cette cause... jusqu'au jour où vous avez sorti votre livre et ouvert votre blog.
Ce qui l'a le plus mis à terre selon moi est la déclaration statutaire de Coffin et la déposition de M. Petrie. Ou bien, comme Jacques Hébert, il ne connaissait pas l'existence de ces deux documents, ou il les connaissait mais les a cachés à ses internautes pour pouvoir poursuivre son trip. Comme honnête té intellectuelle, il se fait mieux. Mais quand un homme a un trip, c'est parfois plus fort que le sexe.
Jean-Y. Lagacé, Laval Qc
Here's the link to Eugene Lindsey: A Usurer?
Me Fortin:
J'ai été souvent voir le blogue de Stoddard et ce qui m'a toujours frappé, c'est qu'il ne connait pas vraiment la cause. Il connait les potinages et les rumeurs relatifs à la cause et il fait de nombreuses références théâtrales à Coffin marchant vers l'échafaud mais très peu la cause elle-même. De temps en temps il sort ce qu'il croit etre un lapin de son chapeau, mais c'est toujours un mouton à cinq pattes.
Me Fortin,
Au lieu de vous importuné avec ses questions, il devrait plutôt lire à fond votre blogue.
Ghislain Poulin
Me Fortin,
Vous avez fait un travail colossal. Vous nous avez fait voir l'équivalent de la face caché de la lune. Coffin était bel et bien coupable. Il buvait et il avait besoin d'argent. Ses avocats n'ont pas pu faire grand chose pour lui. S'ils l'avaient fait témoigner, la Poursuite l'aurait taillé en pièces avec ses nombreux mensonges et contradictions.
A. Roger
Monsieur Poulin a bien raison mais le problème est que Lew Stoddard est incabable de lire à fond tellement il a la vérité en horreur. Il n'a jamais dit un mot du canif du jeune Lindsey et des jumelles de F.Claar, deux élements de preuve d'une importance capitale. J'ai bien ri l'autre jour quand un intervenant a parlé du théâtre que fait Stoddard autour de Coffin marchant vers l'échafaud. C'est bien triste, c'est même horrible tout ça (je suis depuis toujours contre la peine de mort)mais ça n'a pas grand chose à voir avec la cause. C'est comme ses entrevues avec la soeur de Lindsey et la cousine du pot au beurre de l'autre. Stoddard à mon avis manque non seulement de connaissances, mais de maturité.
JL Tellier
J'arrive de chez l'homme qui a vu l'homme qui a vu l'ours. Son blogue est plutôt tranquille.^Pour moi, il est en vacances à Gaspé avec Lani.
Phil Lafrance, Mtl
Me Fortin,
A. Roger a raison. Vous nous avez éclairé sur l'affaire Coffin. Malheureusement, on s'est servi de cette affaire à des fins politiques. On s'est fait floué.
Pierre Chartrand
Mr. Fortin,
Your silence tells me that you are in hiding, hiding from the fact that you do not provide answers to questions, when you are the one who states that you encourage folks to write to you for clarification on things that you have written about.
I am referring to the questions from Ms. Mersereau and Ms. Landry. You will recall that I added a question as well with reference to the $1,000.00 to which you didn't really answwer at all, as I was asking where they got that figure from.
We are still waiting, you are the expert.
I suspect that if I send a copy of this off to Lew Stoddard that he will instantly supply the answer. Why do you not do that as well. You love knocking what he is doing and you obviously worry more about his site than you do your own, so here is a chance for your light to shine.
I will guarantee one thing. He will not put them dowm because they have chosen to ask a question as you have done on your site.
We are awaiting once again for your reply.
Bernard G. Houghton
Dear Houghton, the nut
Why don't you dare ask this nutty question to the Prophet itself ?
anut is a nut and only a nut can understand a nut ,
wright or nut ?
What a name for a poor guy,
Tell me , when do you expect Stoddard , the liar ,
to write down some of his jokes about Coffin ?
Where is he now ?
Has he found a little paper
with the names of the three real killers as he stated years ago ? Is he willing to share his foundings , the real thing ? the real ones who did it , or is he still polishing his white anklets dating from his days in military police , as a gate attender ?
Mr Fortin,
Too bad Stoddard is silent, nothing to say, nothing to loose,
not even some archeological detail brought as a decouverte of his own to his prehistorics, not even aware of the fifty years gone by beleivers, on his own blog.
Are those peoples living in the same decade as we are ?
The gate attender has locked himself.
Est-ce que quelqu'un a des nouvelles du gate attender? Serait-il mort encore une fois? Parions qu'il va nous revenir avec une entrevue avec la nièce du père Linsey ou avec un argument aussi songé que "Coffin n'a été condamné que pour le meurtre d'un seul chasseur".
Est-ce que quelqu'un a des nouvelles du gate attender? Serait-il mort encore une fois? Parions qu'il va nous revenir avec une entrevue avec la nièce du père Linsey ou avec un argument aussi songé que "Coffin n'a été condamné que pour le meurtre d'un seul chasseur".
First of all I would like to point out to your commenter’s, coffin case is not about language, it is about a murder case, and the hanging of a man….anyone immature enough to make this about language, I feel sorry for you… although I do understand , this is Quebec, and here they make everything about language. This is why nothing ever gets done..... it is always a language fight....remember this Quebec… when it all ends and you are dead and buried, now think about it…no one gets out of this world alive…. do you really think anyone is going to give a dam what language you spoke or that anyone will write on your tombstone…He spoke English, or. He spoke French…..grow up... So let’s get over the language issues and enjoy life……. Also to A Rogers, who said Coffin was “a drunk and he needed money” well, congratulations….you have just described 90 % of the Gaspe men of 1953…good for you! That being said….. I would also like to hear the answers to those questions that has been asked, because I have asked them often….….Mr. Fortin you said the amount of money Mr. Lindsey “might” have had on him…does that mean you do not know the amount? By the way, I have spoken to people who sat at that Perce trial, and believe me they said it was terrible…all say coffin was framed…..the police had their eye on coffin, and never looked at or for any other suspects……the way the case of the three dead hunters was investigated is unbelievable, kindergarten children could have done a better job….coffin was charged with one murder, and they have no idea how that hunter was killed, nothing to proof he was even murdered… as for the other two murdered men, they sit as a cold case yet today… unsolved….
You see what I mean when you have to read the last statement , what kind of cavemen are these ?
where are those aliens coming from ?
Insults won't lead you nowhere.
Bill Murphy
Who has mentioned that language was a problem? No one has raised that issue.
Robert Dean
sir,if you think no one raised those issues, i think it is time you read all the comments on Mr. Fortins site...
Just a little question ,has anyone ever seen a comment in French language on Stoddard's ?
Now tell me why ?
no i do know know why there are no french comments on Stoddard......maybe you should write one...Stoddard site is not very active as of lately...I dont beleive Mr. Stoddard wants anyone to ask questions or discuss the coffin case, that is why i am reading on Mr.Fortins site, comments are good and some of the questions asked are very good questions...Mr, Fortin answers our questions always. In french and in english...I praise him for that....Like i said, I dont beleive the case has anything to do with language, we hear enough about language from our politicians, whom continue to make the election all about language, when in reality they dont give a hell aboutany of us...But that is their job and they do it well......we are all egual, and in reality,we all end up in the same place someday... thats the scary thought...I dont see the language, I see the person...I dont beleive Jesus was either french or english, now was he??
Mr Fortin,
Allez-vous dire des choses nouvelles sur l'Affaire Coffin?
Moi je pense que tout a été dit.
Pendant longtemps j'ai cru ce pauvre homme innocent sauf que mnaintenant je le pense entièrement coupable. Il a eu un procès juste. Où il y a eu manque de justice, c'est de la part de Jacques Hebert et de ses amis journalistes qui ont exploité l'affaire pour combattre Duplessis.
Merci pour votre excellent travail.
Mathieu Fontaine
Me Fortin,
Permettez-moi de répéter ci-dessous mon commentaire du 5 août dernier:
Mr. Fortin,
Last year, a friend of mine who is fascinated by the Coffin affair noticed that more than twenty percent of comments received by Lew Stoddard had a common feature, the initial of the first nam was without a period, and that such a phenomenon could not, from a mere statistical point of view, be a matter of chance. He wrote that peculiar Lew, to bring to his attention his intellectual dishonesty, but did not receive an answer.
Phil Lafrance, Montréal
Mr. Fortin.
I have questions. Did you see it on record anywhere of the date the hunters were killed, I do not see the date anywhere. so, How does one know, maybe the hunters were still alive when coffin took his trip to montreal.. the bodies lay in the woods for over 30 days so there were only bones left..one body was found at camp 26, one body on the other side of the river, and one body at camp 24. was there ever a reason in the documents to explain why the bodies(bones) were found so far apart? If there is no exact date for time of death for the hunters, How could they have placed wilbert coffin at the scene of that crime? we do not know what was going on in that Gappe woods, why did the hunters stray such a distance from each other, were they running in different directions? what i find so unbeleivable is that the hunters guns and things left in the truck , or the inside of the truck itself,were not dusted for finger prints... the dumbest of police officers could have thought of that... If richard lindesy was murdered, do you know how he was murdered, and did the police have a weapen to prove this... now mr. fortin, do you, or any commenter out there know how this could have happen, I would really like to know??
mr. Fortin.
My question is about the woods permits for to go into the gaspe forest in 1953. on stoddards blog i see all the names of the persons who entered the woods, some for 5 days some 4 days, some 2 days and so on, the lindesey party had a permit for 10 days... after studying those woods permits i have noticed that it would be noted at what time people entered the woods, and to how many days they were suppose to stay, but...then i noticed that no one would have known if they stayed longer or never came back out at all..I came to this conclusion because i noticed the lindsey party entered the woods for a 10 day stay and never came back out after 10 days, never came back out at all... noone even noticed they never came out...so, any of the people who entered the woods that June could have stayed from 1 day to 30 days and no one would have known, right? any one on that list of names could be a suspect, or the killer(killers)....I wonder if Stoddard noticed this, he never mentioned he did....
To last commenter asking what happehed since the beginning of all this Coffin' saga .
Simply start your lecture from the first comments on Mr Fortin's blog dating from 2006-2007.
Everything is translated in English , so you'll undertand well.
Good lecture .
Me fortin ,
Tout me semble avoir été dit sur l'affaire Coffin , même Stoddard s'est désintéressé de l,affaire .
Il serait temps d'entreprendre un autre sujet , je ne sais pas moi , quelque chose de croustillant , de sexy ???
Coffin n'intéresse plus personne .
Au suivant ...
I have a question for you Mr. Fortin, I am also sending to Mr. Stoddard.
While looking at wood gate permits, I see listed the date men entered the Gaspe forest and the duration of their stay recorded. What I would like to know was there any way to know if any of the men returned out of the forest after the date for their stay ended. Or any way to know if they went to the location recorded on their woods permit?
I think about this because the hunters had a permit for a 10 day stay and never returned, and no one at the wood gates knew they had not returned. Otherwise someone would have looked for them before 30 days. If this happen, then anyone having a permit form any of the wood gates could have still been in the forest at the time of the murders?
One can speculate about almost everything about this case, including hypothesis of the murder perpetrated by aliens.
That's why it is so important to look at the evidence presented to the jury.
Marc Legault
C'est vrai l'inspecteur Stoddard et sa super cop Lani ont abandonné l'affaire, ils n'ont plus de clients et toutes leurs balounes leur ont petté en pleine face.
Me Fortin,
Qu'attendez vous pour décrocher de l'affaire Coffin ?
Il n'y a plus de viande sur cet os. Mettez-y un point final et passons à autre chose.
Cà devient fastidieux à la fin.
Me Fortin
Votre dernier blogger a raison,il est temps de fermer le livre sur l'affaire Coffin .
Comme vous le dites si bien votre blog n'est pas une réouverture de ce procès et l'apport de nouvels éléments , si jamais il en existent , n'y changerait rien .
Les procès ont eut lieux , la condamnation a été prononcée et le châtiment exécuté .
Que voulez vous de plus , discourir ad nauseam avec des demeurés nostalgiques ou des nihilistes irrédutibles ???
Je connais Me Fortin et il est en vacances. Ce n'est pas un vaseux et je puis vous dire que si tout a été dit sur Coffin, il va nous le dire. S'il ajoute quelque chose, ce sera parce que c'est important.
je suis pas d'accord avec ceux qui dise que tous as été dit sur l'affaire coffin. attender que mr stoddard nous donne les noms des 3vrais tueurs. vous aller rire jaune mon cher monsieur fortin
Justement , on attend cà depuis le 15 juillet 2007 , date à laquelle il nous promettait , dans un fracassant article ,, de nous divulguer les noms de ces trois affreux tueurs , on attend toujours .....et j'ai bien l'impresion qu'on attendra longtemps et plus longtemps encore.
Le 8 mars dernier, j’ai publié sur ce blogue un billet intitulé UTILITÉ ET AVENIR DE MON BLOGUE DANS L’AFFAIRE COFFIN. Je vous invite à le relire. J’écrivais notamment que j’attendais les nouvelles suivantes :
Vous avez raison. Il y aura toujours quelque chose à dire sur l'affaire Coffin. Pourquoi Coffin ferait exception à John F. Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe, la pricesse Diana et maintenant Michael Jackson?
Michel Toutant
Quant à des noms qui reviennent en Front Page de temps en temps ,
il faudrait nommer , Jésus , Cain et Abel , Adam et Ève ,
et sans parler du BIG BANG !!!
J'ai entendu dire à Gaspé que pour faire suite au 475 ième anniversaire de l'arrivée de Jacques Cartier on organiserait un grand rallye-souvenir , de Gaspé à Montréal pour commémorer la présumée fuite de Coffin suite aux assassinats des trois chasseurs américains .
Tous sont invités à boire comme des trous , à récréer des accidents de voiture , à se faire raser la barbe et à inonder de pourboires les propriétaires d'hotels et de bars sur leur route .
À l'été prochain .
Me Fortin,
Lew Stoddard, dans son dernier message du 23 septembre présent,
affirme qu'il a déjà laissé connaître à ses lecteurs, les noms de ses trois suspects dans l'affaire Coffin.
Je n'ai jamais, à aucun moment , lu cet information sur son site.
Quelqu'un pourrait-il me référer
à l'endroit et la date où il a publié cet info ?
M.Stoddard a mentionné les noms de ses trois suspects dans des articles datés de septembre , octobre et surtout novembre 2007.
Leurs noms sont Angus MacDonald , Curly Richardson , et un certain monsieur Soucy .Le fils de Jack Eagle est aussi mentionné mais de facon moins précise .
Wilbert Coffin est donc innocent de ces crimes et doit être blanchi de ces accusations .
Ce sera la fête à Gaspé le jour où ce cera établi et reconnu par la plus haute court .
Cette victoire sera celle de M.Lew Stoddard et de Lani n'en déplaise à certains .
Je suis une nièce dudit Soucy et je compte bien traîner Stoddard et sa brebis de Lani devant les tribunaux pour diffamation s'ils persistent à salir le nom de mon oncle.
Linda Soucy Boisvert
Ne vous en faites pas avec les propos de Stoddard. Rien de tout ce qu'il dit n'est prouvé. Ce ne sont que des ragots. J'ai lu le livre de Me Fortin. Il n'est pas question de votre oncle là-dedans non plus que dans le Rapport Brossard. Et ne perdez pas votre temps à le poursuivre. Vous perdriez votre temps et votre argent. Peu de gens prennent ses propos au sérieux.
Pierre Longtin
Le gardien de barrière Lew Stoddard n'a aucune crédibilité. Ses ragots n'intéressent que les ignorants.
Mr stoddard did mention the names of the three men who he accused for the murder of the hunters...maybe he is right....maybe not...but he has accused...on the woods permits Stoddard has posted i see no where that the three men he has accused had entered the Gaspe forest at that time...seems to me one had to get a woods permit to enter the woods, so where are their names? unless they paid their way in through one of the woods gates, to go unnoticed, this would have been very possible for Gaspe..... names were Curly richardson, Mr.Soucy Angus Macdonald... I beleive for Mr. Stoddard to have written those names on his blog,and accuse, he must have the proof, and we do not know yet...He is not that stupid, and would never have done that without proof...On Mr. stoddards comment page for September22, he said his suspects are the three names he has mentioned, and that they had motive? also that they knew the area..i remember reading a post on stoddard that coffin told baker that angus macdonald did not know the forest at all, and it was for this reason coffin choose to leave macdonald behind, when he entered the forest...strange stuff....
Mentioning names may get Mr. Stoddard into trouble. He could be sued.
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