The 19th day of July, in the year fifty-four, came and appeared MRS. EUGENE HUNTER LINDSEY, born Mary Luverne, domiciled at 323 Walnut Street, Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., aged 45, being duly sworn upon the Holy Evangelists doth depose and say:
Examined by Mr. Paul Miquelon, Q.C. for the Prosecution.
(Excerpt from page 479 of the Court of Queen’s Bench transcripts)
Q. Well, tell us the amount.
A. I know my husband took 650$ from our savings for his trip and could have had more.
Q. Do you know if your son had money apart from that?
A. No, he was still in school, he did not have any money.
3 commentaires:
was this the only question asked to mrs. Lindsay,was all the hunters wallets found at the crime scene... many people in the gaspe were very aware of the hunters, and a lot knew excally where they would be on those days...
Of course not, Mrs. Lindsey was examined and cross-examined. You may read her whole testimony in the Court of Queen’s Bench transcripts from page 468 to 491. She was asked to identify the belongings of her husband and her son: knife, wristwatch, ring, Coleman stove, cigars, rifles, clothes, binoculars, etc. She only described her son’s pocket book because it was never filed in the court record. However, she identified her husband’s pocket book and it was filed in the court record
Moi, j'ai lu le témoignage de madame Lindsey dans le livre de Me Fortin. Dans ce livre, tout y est rapporté et expliqué clairement.
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