En compagnie de Jean-Marie Fallu, rédacteur en chef du Magazine Gaspésie et de Sébastien Lévesque, directeur général du Musée de la Gaspésie, je participerai au lancement du Magazine GASPÉSIE, hiver 2008, au Musée de la Civilisation, à Québec, le 21 février prochain, à 10 h.
Je vous invite à vous procurer ce numéro consacré aux MEURTRES ET MYSTÈRES en Gaspésie. J'y publie un article sur l'affaire Coffin dans lequel je fais état notamment de ces Gaspésiens qui ont semé la confusion: le coroner Lionel Rioux, le sergent Henri Doyon et l'agent Lewis Sinnett.
1155, de Douglas, Gaspé (Québec) G4X 2W9 (418) 368-1826
12 commentaires:
Félicitations à vous, Me Fortin, pour cet excellent blogue.
Josée Larochelle, Québec
You're wrong Sir. As proven by Lew Stoddard, the hunters have been killed with bayonets.
John D.
Drayton Valley, Alberta
L'auteur de la réponse à Mme Doyon (voir la rubrique du samedi 2 février) touche un point TRÈS important que les défenseurs de Coffin, de Jacques Hébert à Pascal Alain, ne soulignent jamais: les NOMBREUX mensonges et propos contradictoires de Coffin.
Qu'est-ce c'est que cette histoire de baionnettes? C'est la premiere fois que j'entends parler de ca. Qui est Lew Stoddard?
Quelqu'un peut-il m'eclairer?
Voyez Lew Stoddard On Line. C'est un blogue sur l'affaire Coffin. Moi non plus, je n'ai jamais entendu parler de ça.
Mr. Fortin,
On your post of Tuesday, December 4, 2007 you have written about the mysterious note and officer sinnett….you say….
A note was written on June 13 1953, and it was proven by Brossard commission that this note was written by Thomas Patterson a resident of Gaspe, who had been active in the search of the American hunters, and that Thomas Patterson had left the note there to inform the other searches of his whereabouts….
Tell me Mr. Fortin, why was Thomas Patterson searching for the hunters on June 13 1953??
Thomas miller only received a telephone call from the police in Hollidaysburg, on July, 9th, 1953, asking him to search for the American hunters…no one knew they were missing until July 9th 1953…
So please tell me why Thomas Patterson was searching for them on June 13, 1953??
Also please tell me why, on the French post you say the note was written on June 13 1953…
On the English post, you say note was written on June 13, no year dated…
Mr. or Ms. Anonymous,
It is not Patterson but Miller. I inadvertently omitted the year in my translation. I am translating for your benefit the whole Chapter 7 of the Brossard Commission Report on THE MYSTERIOUS NOTE. It is an 11 page texte, 8 1/2" X 14". Justice Brossard explains the ins and outs of this mysterious note. I shall post all of it some time in the coming weeks. In the meantime, it is a lot of typing and translating. If you wish to read it right away you may find that report in your municipal library.
where did you get your licence as a lawyer in a box of cracker-jacks
where did you get your licence as a lawyer in a box of cracker-jacks
yes it was Miller, not patterson, sorry.
I am looking forward to reading about that note sir...
Je viens de lire votre article,je suis surprise de ne voir aucune mention des soupcons entourant un certain Philippe Cabot.Voir The Gazette en date du samedi 18 nov.2006.
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